Posts Tagged ‘ Isaac Namdar ’

Contract a Summer Cold? Effective Strategies for Soothing Your Symptoms

The following is a guest blogpost from Sachs Marketing Group.  The opinions expressed within are strictly those of the guest blogger.  There is no financial relationship between Sachs Marketing Group or any of its affiliates and Dr. Namdar. Few things are worse than sitting inside the house sniffling on a beautiful summer day. Although it […]

Your postnasal dripping may not be a drip or even related to your nose

Many patients complain of postnasal dripping. Most people perceive this as a sensation of mucus buildup in the back of the throat. The majority of the patients point to the different parts of the neck and the throat area as the center of their discomfort. Various patients also feel sensation of a ball being stuck […]

New Guidelines for Managing Middle Ear Fluid in Children

  In order to remove some of the guessing as to standards of care about certain common diseases, the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery occasionally publishes practice guidelines to help clinicians and their patients.  The guidelines are usually discussed in several committee meetings, and the recommendations from multiple peer-reviewed articles as well […]

Is my vertigo from Ménière’s disease?

First, let’s clarify what vertigo really means. Vertigo refers to the sensation of dizziness that is specifically described as the feeling of the room rotating in a circular manner around you. Vertigo is the name of a symptom, not the name of a disease. For example, vertigo is one of the symptoms of Ménière’s disease, […]

What are the medications for allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis refers to the nasal manifestation of our allergies. For some people, their allergies are seasonal, and for some their allergies are year around. There are several modalities that go into diagnosis and management of allergy disease. Some of these have to do with avoidance of allergens. Additionally, allergy shots, nasal irrigation, and even […]

What causes tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition of a perception of sound, ringing, or any other audiologic sensation in the ear without something in environment actually making that noise.  Therefore, it is thought of as “inner noise” that could be quite bothersome to many patients. Tinnitus could be perceived in one side or both sides, or rarely from […]

What are nasal polyps?

Polyp generally refers to an extra outgrowth of fleshy material from one of the membranes of our body. They occur sometimes in the nasal passages as well as the colon and other internal organs. The polyps in the nasal passages are quite different in the nature than in other locations. Most cases of nasal polyps […]


As we head into the winter months, the change in temperature and humidity has a significant effect on our overall well-being. Specifically, in the areas of ear, nose, and throat, there are some major consequences that one should be aware of. Colder weather cannot only have effects such as frostbites and chapped lips, as we […]

“I don’t know what medicines I’m on” is not an acceptable answer.

Occasionally, patients come to their doctors office appointments and cannot readily recall all the different medicines they are taking.  If you are seeing your primary care doctor, chances are that list of all those medicines are available on your chart.  However, if you are seeing a specialist, all the other medicines that you are taking […]

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What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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