Posts Tagged ‘ irrigation ’

What is the best way to clean earwax (cerumen)?

Ear wax (cerumen) is usually made in the middle portion of the ear canal. With typical skin growth pattern of the ear canal, it is slowly delivered to the outside. There are many theories about the reasons why ear wax is made to begin with, but none of them have been proven to be scientific. […]

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What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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