Posts Tagged ‘ ear nose throat ’


As we head into the winter months, the change in temperature and humidity has a significant effect on our overall well-being. Specifically, in the areas of ear, nose, and throat, there are some major consequences that one should be aware of. Colder weather cannot only have effects such as frostbites and chapped lips, as we […]

“I don’t know what medicines I’m on” is not an acceptable answer.

Occasionally, patients come to their doctors office appointments and cannot readily recall all the different medicines they are taking.  If you are seeing your primary care doctor, chances are that list of all those medicines are available on your chart.  However, if you are seeing a specialist, all the other medicines that you are taking […]

What is a Concha Bullosa?

There are many reasons people suffer from nasal obstruction.  Some are due to membrane issues, such as allergies or any other process that makes the lining of the nose more swollen.  Other reasons are more anatomical in nature.  Perhaps the most common cause in this category is a deviated septum.  The inferior turbinates are the […]

Why does my nose run all the time if my doctor said I have no allergies?

Our nasal passages may quite a bit of mucus on a daily basis, which typically helps moisturize the nose, facilitate with sinus drainage, as well as air-condition the air as we breathe it.  Typically, this mucus is slowly delivered to the back at nose, and we end up swallowing it without really paying much attention […]

“I hear just fine!”

“I hear just fine!”  That is what a lot of times we hear from patients who were politely asked (i.e. forced) by family members to come and get their hearing checked.  Most of us might not necessarily be aware of decreased hearing acuity ourselves, but our loved ones can often point out difficulties in communication […]

Do NOT Whisper!

Sore throats and laryngitis are some of the more common reasons for patients to experience raspy quality of the voice or breathy sounds as they try to speak.  Occasionally, postnasal dripping from sinus infections or allergies can also affect the quality of the voice.  Alternatively, secretions from acid reflux can also affect the vocal cords […]

Why do I have out of pocket expenses even though I have insurance?

The issue of payment and billing in medical practice has been the subject of much debate both politically and socially. While in some countries medicine is socialized and all the payments are made by the government, in other countries there is no form of insurance and patients have to pay for all their care out […]

What is “silent” reflux?

Reflux in general refers to acid content in our stomach that is then pushed back in reverse into the upper digestive tract.  Depends what the reflux is doing, and in which ways you are being affected, there are various names for reflux issues. Let’s review some basic physiology first.  As we swallow food, that food […]

What are vocal cord cysts?

Our vocal cords are V-shaped structures that constantly open and close in order to allow for breathing versus vibrating and generating voice for speech. Occasionally, overuse or misuse of the vocal cords through shouting, loud singing, or other habits can cause damage to the vocal cords. One condition that can develop is called vocal cord […]

What is the difference between the available types of hearing aids?

Guest blogger: Peter Fan, AuD For many people, hearing loss is a natural part of the aging process, and the onset is so gradual they aren’t aware their hearing is deteriorating.  Hearing loss can also be caused by genetic and/or medical conditions, ear infections, illness, traumatic injury or prolonged exposure to noise. Hearing loss is […]

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What can I do about my runny nose?

Some of the more common reasons for clear rhinorrhea are allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, and CSF ...... »

When Should You Get Your Hearing Tested?

Photo by Alexraths from Deposit Photos This is a guest blog by Anna Davis Hearing is a precious sense that connects ...... »

How You Can Easily Combat Sinus Issues

Sinus issues can be a challenging health condition that affects many people. These problems often result in symptoms ...... »

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